Cara and Styles!

Sin Cara has recently been joining up with "New Japan Talent". I say good riddance! GET THE HELL OUT OF WWE CARA!! The guy had to stop a match cause he dislocated his finger while I've seen guys go through tables with giant gashes in their backs and many more brutal injuries than that! -.- It's pathetic and makes Vince look bad. So thank God that so called "talent" looks to be leaving with Japan. It seems that who ever doesn't make it in WWE goes to TNA, Mexico or Japan. BUT ANYWAY!!! Regarding AJ Styles' contract with TNA, it appears that he continued it but will only remain with them till the end of the year. I really don't like TNA, however I do respect some of their talent. Guys like Samoa Joe, Sting, The Dudleys, (not sure if they're still there or not though) AJ Stlyes and of course Jeff Hardy! Many of their talent is not given enough credit for in my opinion and I'd love to see guys like Hardy, Styles and Sting in the WWE! Perhaps AJ Styles will be joining us when his contract expires?