Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Undertaker..bald?! Sayy whaattttt?!?!?!


Yes everyone, the legendary Undertaker is indeed, BALD
    If anyone saw Raw last night, they all saw the Undertaker promo against Triple H. They showed him taking a razor to his hair, and he chopped it all off!! They didn't actually show it, but I'm sure that DID happen. He's grown his hair out since his return in 2004 when he became the Phenom. Why cut it now? I thought he looked pretty damn cool with his mane, but now, he'll look just like Kane!! Hey that rhymed :D sorry bout that, anyway, how are you guys reacting to all this? I mean he hasn't cut his hair since 2001, when he was the American Bad Ass. I'm honestly still in shock right now, i really can't believe that he did this, now my last memories of The Undertaker will be...of him BALD!! He might look a hellf of a lot different, but he's still, in my book, one of the greatest WWE champions, of all time. Hair, or no hair, there will never be, another Undertaker.


  1. I really want him to come back as the American Bad ASS to tell u the turth.

  2. I like him that way too, it would be pretty cool to see him with that image again especially if it is going to be his last match at WM
