The Rock's next opponent at WM 29?
WrestleMania is a week away, April first, and I can't wait!! I'm not here to talk about that though, time to talk about WM 29, now apparently, The Rock is going to be there, again -____- but a major superstar will be facing him! The Board of Directors has been looking at The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cena or Brock Lesnar!! I'd love to see Lesnar kick the Rock's ass at 'Mania honestly, that guy is a monster. He's abot 6 foot 5, weights 290 pounds, and he's built like a brick wall!! Former WWE champion and king of the ring. Who do you guys wanna see face the Rock at WM? Word also has it that Stone Cold has not been committed to a real match, and who wants to see Cena again? Apparently The Undertaker will be there next year, but I've also heard rumors he will be retiring this year ;( guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens! But why Lesnar? Since he got his ass beat by that guy in the UFC he wants to come back to the WWE? Talk about desperation by both Brock and the WWE. Whatever the case may be, I hope the Rock gets his ass kicked at this WM and the next one!!
I am disagree'ing with you on this, I want Rock to beat Cena, but for next years MANIA I want Brock Lesnar.