Sunday, November 18, 2012

Paul Heyman..filthy pig...

Paul Heyman is Just Plane Tasteless

  Everyone that saw Monday Night Raw, was I'm sure very happy to see Jerry Lawler return! :D However, minutes later he was of course interrupted by CM Punk, and then Paul Heyman pretended to have a heart attack mocking Jerry's return. Honestly, I don't even have words to describe a classless human being such as himself, low life piece of shit. I used to respect the man due to the fact that he created ECW with his own two hands, It's his creation, his baby, and I thought the fact that he made it so incredible to the point that people are still talking about it today is very impressive. Yet, after his tasteless display on Raw, I can honestly say that he's probably in my top 5 biggest assholes of all time. :)